Friday, August 29, 2014

Already hard at work!!

Week 1 in the books!!

We had a great first week of school!  I know that I am exhausted and I am sure that they are too. I am so thankful for a long weekend.  I have a few things that I needed to share with you.

  • Our students are traveling to three different classes everyday and seem to be struggling carrying all of their things.  We were going to suggest purchasing a reusable grocery bag that students can put their stuff in.  I think that most grocery stores sell them pretty cheap.
  • I also wanted to remind you that students are required to be in the classroom at 7:30 in the morning or they are tardy.  Students who are marked tardy will lose points on their citizenship grade.  I will begin my lesson promptly at 7:30.
  • I am a Speed 21 teacher.  This means that I will be integrating technology into the district curriculum.  This also means that I have iPads in my classroom for student use.  We will begin using them next week.  In order to ensure proper usage, I have an iPad Acceptable Use Policy paper that will need to be signed.  These papers will be going home on Tuesday in the red take home folder.  Please review this paper with your student, then sign and return it.  Even though we have class iPads, we don't have enough for every student.  Therefore, if your student has a device they can bring it to class, please allow them to do so.  Please don't feel obligated to send a device if you do not have one currently.  We will make sure that all students will get the opportunity to use the technology.
  • Next Wednesday, all students in Wylie ISD will be learning about respect and responsibility.  The 2nd Grade teachers will be reading the book Miss. Nelson is Missing by James Marshall.  This book shows great examples of respectful and responsible students as well as those that aren't.  We will all be dressing up as Viola Swamp, the dreaded substitute.  Please let me know if you think that this will scare your child.  We play the "role" while having fun with the kids. But shhhh...we are not going to tell the kids that they will have "substitutes" on this day.  
  • ICE CREAM in the cafeteria!!!  I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!  As I am sure that you have heard, the cafeteria is now offering ice cream for $0.85 (I believe).  Students will be required to eat their purchased food or brought lunch before purchasing the ice cream.  The ice cream will need to be purchased through the students lunch account.  We discourage students from bringing cash.  We don't want some one's "ice cream" money to come up missing.
I have uploaded some pictures to our class blog.  Feel free to check this blog weekly, as this is where I will be posting my newsletters, important information, and pictures of your precious children.  Please let me know if you are able to access the blog.  

Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to teach your child math!  It is going to be a great school year!!
Mrs. Halligan

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day in the books!

We had a fantastic day!!!  I am really looking forward to a great year with your kids. I can't wait to see all of their faces bright and early in the morning!  Have a great evening!