Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy turkey day!!

We have had a great week this week especially the last two days with our Thanksgiving rotations. The kiddos really loved going to all of the teacher's classrooms and learning something about Thanksgiving.  Especially Pilgrim Ashley!

In math we wrapped up our addition with two-digits.  Upon our return, we will be diving into subtraction.  So let their little brains get lots of rest over the break so they are ready!!  They can also practice their subtraction facts.  This will help tremendously!!

Here are a few websites:

I really hope that everyone enjoys their time with family next week.  Please let me take a minute to express my thankfulness for such a great group of supportive parents!  You guys are amazing!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 11/10

My heart is so full!  The amount of generosity that our students have shown over the past few weeks is amazing!  We have had so many can brought in.  The winner has not been announced as of yet but the citizens of Wylie that are in need of these food items are the definite winners!  Thank you to all of you who made countless trips to the store and/or cleaned out your pantries.

We have still been working hard on our 2-digit addition problems. We have learned several different strategies.

We have broken apart the addends to add the tens and ones.

And we have drawn models to solve.

Next week, we will learn how to add using the 100s chart and an open number line.  We will put it altogether with the regular method on Wednesday.  I will be sending home practice problems next week for homework.  I am okay with students using any method that they feel successful with.  I know that sometimes they come home and say "that is not how Mrs. Halligan showed us."  Tell them I said it is okay as long as they get it right.  We teach several methods because we don't all learn the same.  Plus we want them to know the reason that we regroup and understand the place value behind it.  

Here are a few games online that they can play:
Fruit Splat -
Soccer Math -

After the Thanksgiving break, we will be diving into subtraction!!! Woohoo!  Have a great weekend and stay warm.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Week 11/3

Welcome fall!  I have so enjoyed the cooler temps this week and even a little bit of precipitation.  We are diving right in to addition in math.  We will be adding two-digit number by next week using models.  Our strong focus is making ten.  I have shown them how that helps in adding one-digit and two-digit numbers.  By then end of next week, students will be adding two-digit numbers using the regular algorithm that you and I learned.  The most important thing is practice.  I don't care the particular strategy that they use, as long as they understand and get it correct.

Next Friday will be the last day to send in can/dry goods for the Wylie Christian Care Center.  We are in a grade level competition.  I am a very competitive person but especially when it is a competition for a great cause.  I am offering quarters for each can or dry good that students bring.  Be on the look out for information to come out next week regarding an extra incentive!

A few upcoming events:
-Week 11/10-11/14 Book Fair -
    **I will be taking my homeroom on Tuesday at 8:30.
    **Tuesday night is Family Book Fair night from 4-6.
-Thursday 11/12 Thanksgiving Lunch
-Week 11/24-28 Thanksgiving Break