Monday, January 26, 2015

Semester One in the books!

It is hard to believe that the first semester is done and in the books!  We wrapped up the semester in Superhero fashion with our Unit 3 & 6 test.  This was our addition and subtraction unit test as well as a benchmark test covering most missed questions from previous tests.  I was so SUPER proud of how they did!!  I told them that if they score an 85 or higher, they could eat in my classroom.  And let me just tell you, I had a room full of kids!!

We started our next short unit on graphing last week.  Last week, we focused on reading bar graphs and pictographs or "analyzing the data".  They did very well.  This week we will create graphs from survey data.  They will be creating a survey using a website called Kahoot.  After they collect data using their survey, they will create a graph and questions.  This is a short unit so we will take our test next week.  I will be sending home a small amount of homework tomorrow for students to work on reading, analyzing, and creating graphs.  The homework will be due on Monday, February 2nd.

Please don't forget that this Thursday night is Math & Science Night.  The tailgating party (aka dinner) will begin at 5:30.  Then the fun math and science festivities will begin.  We will have math games, hands on science activities with the SMART girls from Davis Intermediate, and science vocabulary tips.  It should be a fun night of learning.  We hope you can join us!!

Also, if you have not sent in your field trip money, it is due by this Friday 1/30.

Have a great rest of the week!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Week 1/5-9

Welcome back!  The kids came in bouncing full of stories about their holiday break on Monday!  I loved hearing all of them!  In my homeroom, I had them write down their best memories of the break or the presents they couldn't wait to tell about.  Then to add to the suspense I read a few everyday finishing today.  They would sit on the edge of their seats waiting to find out if it was going to be them. :)  

In math, we expanded our knowledge of adding and subtracting to three digits.  Once we got the wrapping paper and bows knocked of those cute little brains, things started to fall into place.  Some of the kiddos are still making silly errors like: forgetting to borrow when the number on the bottom is bigger, forgetting to actually go borrow from the next place value before adding 10, and forgetting to add the one that was regrouped.  If you have a few free moments this weekend, give them a few two and three digit adding and subtracting problems to keep it fresh.  We have our unit test on adding and subtracting next Friday.  It will also cover a few of the errors that our students showed some weaknesses on the first semester tests.  I will be sending home a review sheet next week for homework.  Please have the students work through it independently, then go over it with them.  I know that they are going to do amazing!!

Have a great weekend and stay as warm as you can!