Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ugly Sweater

I was telling the kids yesterday about our faculty "Ugly Sweater" competition.  They asked if they could participate.  I said "of course!"  Well Mikey and I ROCKED it!!  Fun times!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Fun times in math!!

I am SOOOOOO proud of these kids this week!  They have ROCKED subtraction with regrouping.  Last week was our learning curve but we are on the straight road to success now.  Our technology workstation this week was the "Show Me" app.  (I totally recommend this for fun at home!)  The students recorded themselves solving a subtraction problem.  The recording shows all of their work they do plus records their voices!  They loved it.  I have included a few links for you to check out and see their greatness!!

Sara R. -
Kenzie -
Emma -
Pierce -

I also want to add a few upcoming events/dates:

  • Yearbooks are on sale starting this week.  Order forms went home in Thursday folders.  They can also be purchased online using the following link: . The ID for Cox is 12373015.  The cost of the yearbooks this year are $18.00. You will find the opportunity to personalize the yearbook for your child.  
  • Winter party - Our party will be held next Friday 12/19 beginning at 11:45.  Early dismissal will be at 12:30.  We hope all of you can join us for the party.  Students do not need to bring anything for the party. Everything will be provided!
  • Math and Science Night-Please mark your calendars for January 29th.  We will be having our Math and Science night from 6-7.  There will be lots of fun to be had.  We will have food, games, and prizes.  Please email me if you are planning to attend.
  • Class Pictures - We will be taking our class pictures on January 12th.
Have a great weekend!  I hope to see all of you next Friday!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Welcome back!!

Howdy families!  I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.  I know that I enjoyed it but ate too much!!  I was excited to get back on schedule and hopefully drop a few dessert pounds :)! We have worked really hard this week at our subtraction.  It is a challenging concept that needs LOTS of practice.  Next week, we will continue to work on it.  I do ask that you take a few minutes everyday to work with your child on it.  Just give them two problems that require borrowing.  The more they practice, the more confident they will  feel.  I really appreciate all of your support with your kiddos.

Wylie ISD's core value of the 2nd 9 weeks is Caring and Giving.  Cox Elementary is supporting this character trait with a pajama drive.  We are asking for donations of new pajamas in any size.  They must be manufactured as pajamas.  In honor of our student's willingness to be so caring through this drive, we are having a fun pajama day next Friday Dec. 12th.  Students must still follow all school dress code rules and have on appropriate shoes for PE and recess.  Thank you for your support in this pajama drive.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy turkey day!!

We have had a great week this week especially the last two days with our Thanksgiving rotations. The kiddos really loved going to all of the teacher's classrooms and learning something about Thanksgiving.  Especially Pilgrim Ashley!

In math we wrapped up our addition with two-digits.  Upon our return, we will be diving into subtraction.  So let their little brains get lots of rest over the break so they are ready!!  They can also practice their subtraction facts.  This will help tremendously!!

Here are a few websites:

I really hope that everyone enjoys their time with family next week.  Please let me take a minute to express my thankfulness for such a great group of supportive parents!  You guys are amazing!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 11/10

My heart is so full!  The amount of generosity that our students have shown over the past few weeks is amazing!  We have had so many can brought in.  The winner has not been announced as of yet but the citizens of Wylie that are in need of these food items are the definite winners!  Thank you to all of you who made countless trips to the store and/or cleaned out your pantries.

We have still been working hard on our 2-digit addition problems. We have learned several different strategies.

We have broken apart the addends to add the tens and ones.

And we have drawn models to solve.

Next week, we will learn how to add using the 100s chart and an open number line.  We will put it altogether with the regular method on Wednesday.  I will be sending home practice problems next week for homework.  I am okay with students using any method that they feel successful with.  I know that sometimes they come home and say "that is not how Mrs. Halligan showed us."  Tell them I said it is okay as long as they get it right.  We teach several methods because we don't all learn the same.  Plus we want them to know the reason that we regroup and understand the place value behind it.  

Here are a few games online that they can play:
Fruit Splat -
Soccer Math -

After the Thanksgiving break, we will be diving into subtraction!!! Woohoo!  Have a great weekend and stay warm.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Week 11/3

Welcome fall!  I have so enjoyed the cooler temps this week and even a little bit of precipitation.  We are diving right in to addition in math.  We will be adding two-digit number by next week using models.  Our strong focus is making ten.  I have shown them how that helps in adding one-digit and two-digit numbers.  By then end of next week, students will be adding two-digit numbers using the regular algorithm that you and I learned.  The most important thing is practice.  I don't care the particular strategy that they use, as long as they understand and get it correct.

Next Friday will be the last day to send in can/dry goods for the Wylie Christian Care Center.  We are in a grade level competition.  I am a very competitive person but especially when it is a competition for a great cause.  I am offering quarters for each can or dry good that students bring.  Be on the look out for information to come out next week regarding an extra incentive!

A few upcoming events:
-Week 11/10-11/14 Book Fair -
    **I will be taking my homeroom on Tuesday at 8:30.
    **Tuesday night is Family Book Fair night from 4-6.
-Thursday 11/12 Thanksgiving Lunch
-Week 11/24-28 Thanksgiving Break

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

BOO!  I hope everyone is ready for the full night ahead of us.  I know that the kids are!!  We have had a great week learning about strategies that we can use to recall our facts.  We focused mainly on making ten and using doubles facts plus or minus one.  A great game to play at home is "Go Fish Make 10".  This game is played just like "Go Fish" but without the face cards and the 10 card.  Instead of asking for the match, they will ask for the number that would pair with their number to make ten. (ie: 4 would ask for 6)  They have played this in class and should be able to teach you.  The making ten skill will help them when we begin double digit addition next week.

Next Wednesday is picture retakes.

Also, just a quick reminder that next Wednesday is an early release day.  Students will be released at 12:30.  Please let us know if their transportation will be changed.

Have a great weekend!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 10/20

We had such a fun week talking about 3-D shapes.  I am super confident that all of the kids did great on their unit test today.  I will let them know next week so they can share the news.  I really enjoyed meeting with all of the parents this week.  I know that we didn't get to meet with everyone as a trio, but we will get together and share what was discussed.  Anyone who maybe missed yours, please email one of us to reschedule.

Next week, we will be reviewing addition and subtraction strategies.  We will be working toward our goal of recalling all addition and subtraction facts up to 20. Please have students practice their facts nightly.  They can do xtramath or flash cards.  I will also be sending home login information for a new online math program called Sumdog.  It is a more concept based program and similar to the video games that we know they enjoy. I have listed some apps and websites that students can also use for basic fact and problem solving practice.


Math slide addition & subtraction
Math slide basic facts
Math museum
Math blast
Thinking blocks

This week is Red Ribbon week.
Tuesday-crazy socks
Wednesday -hat day
Thursday - college shirts
Friday - dress up like your favorite Superhero or everyday hero. (Costumes must follow all dress code rules. No masks or props.  Wear appropriate shoes for PE or recess.)

Storybook pumpkin decorating contest-
Students are invited to decorate a pumpkin like their favorite storybook character. Pumpkins will be turned in to the library Thursday morning before school.  Winners will be announced Friday at Coyote Call-out.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 10/13

The fall air has finally blown in and I am loving it.  We had a lot of fun this week learning about 2-D shapes. Your kiddos identified 2-D shapes by counting their sides and vertices.  They really loved learning about the "special" shapes that we don't normally see and hear about.  We learned about the septagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, undecagon, and a dodecagon.  Ask your student if they can remember how many sides and vertices these shapes has.  We also composed and decomposed 2-D shapes.  Compose and decompose are vocabulary words that we have used previously to describe adding and subtracting.  I liked watching them make a visual connection with shapes.  We put different shapes together and identified the new shape that we created.  We also looked at how we could break up a shape into new smaller shapes.  We will do more with this on Monday.  Next week, we will be getting into 3-D shapes.  The hardest part of 3-D shapes is identifying what shapes make up the 3-D shape.  We will be creating 3-D shapes for them to take apart and put together.  I encourage you to look at 3-D shapes at home and talk about what shapes create it.  For example. a cereal box is a rectangular prism and is made up of 6 rectangles.

Here are a few technology tools that you can use at home to practice geometry:
Shape Shoot -
Star Matica -

I look forward to seeing everyone next week for parent conferences.  Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekly update

Good evening parents.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend of FALL weather.  I did!  I had to dig out jackets and sweatshirts.  We finished up our unit on place value last Friday.  I was very proud at how hard they worked.  Our next unit, which we will begin tomorrow, is Geometry.  We will learn how to identify attributes of 2-d and 3-d shapes.  We will be using technology in class this week.  Tomorrow they can bring any device that takes pictures.  Tuesday through Friday, we will be using a geoboard app.  There are several that are free. As always, we have class iPads and actual geoboards that can be used if the students don't have access to technology.

Thank you all for returning your parent conference forms.  I will be sending home confirmation of your date and time.  I look forward to meeting all of you.

Upcoming events:
10/22-anti-bullying day Students are encouraged to wear orange.
10/24-Fitness Friday - come join us and help us earn the golden shoe.  It takes place during our PACK time (9-10).
10/24-End of 1st nine weeks
Week of 10/27 - Red Ribbon week
Monday-wear red
Tuesday-crazy sock day
Wednesday-hat day
Thursday-college shirt day
Friday- dress as your favorite superhero
10/31-"SUPER" coyote call-out @ 2:00

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Parent conferences and Math Review

A note went home today regarding parent conferences.  We will be scheduling conferences with our homeroom students.  If you would like to meet with a specific teacher, please notate that on the form. Please mark your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice.  These will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis.  We also bribed the students to bring them back tomorrow.  Hopefully they don't knock you down when you walk in the door as mine already have. :) We look forward to meeting with all of you.

Also, I sent home 1 of 2 math review sheets today.  We graded and discussed in class.  I asked the students to correct the ones that they got wrong and return tomorrow.  We will be doing part 2 tomorrow and we will follow the same procedure.  They should study these over the next two nights to be ready for their test on Friday.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Howdy Folks!!

Our fair day is here!  I was really thinking about taking my kiddos but all of these health scares are forcing me to stay away.  So if you go, please eat a corn dog and funnel cake for me. :)  We had a great week this week.  I loved seeing all of them so dolled up for pictures.  They get so excited to get dressed up.  We wrapped up our current math unit this week and will spend next week reviewing.  I will be sending home a review sheet on Tuesday for students to practice at home to be ready for our test on Friday.  This test covers place value, number lines, comparing and ordering numbers, and problem solving.  They have been working very hard and I know that they are going to do great.  We also started our xtramath schedule in class.  All students will do xtramath 2-3 times a week.  But xtramath should be done at home at least three times.  It is really quick but does really help on their recall of facts. Our next unit in math is geometry, so we will be exploring and defining 2-D and 3-D shapes.  Also, be looking for information to be coming home within the next few weeks regarding parent conferences.  Our conference night is scheduled for October 23rd.  We will be setting them up soon.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Fall!!

Well fall has made its way to the calendar now if only it would make it to the weather forecast.  The last I read, Friday is supposed to feel like official football weather.  It will be perfect timing for the Crosstown Showdown Friday night.  Go Raiders!!

In math we are solving word problems using a part-part-whole mat.  We are identifying where the unknown is and then deciding which operation they would use to solve.  We practice our problem solving daily and the kiddos are getting much better.  We also finished up adding and subtracting 10 and 100.  They began to recognize the patterns and how the numbers changed.  We will also be working with number lines.  We will be determining where a number goes on a number line and how to put a number using expanded form on a number line.  On Friday, we will be building numbers with place value disks.  Our first math test will be Friday, October 10th.  It will cover place value, ordering numbers, comparing numbers using <,>, and =, number lines, even and odd, and problem solving.  I will be reviewing them next week and sending home a review sheet for them to work on. Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Update!!

Last week was a great week!  I hope the kids all enjoyed our first Coyote Call-out of the year!  I know I had fun dancing to 1950's music.  We also had lots of fun at the fundraiser assembly also.

In math, the students really enjoyed getting to use their technology.  They scanned the QR codes to find three numbers to put in order from least to greatest.  They had so much fun and were so into their learning.  We also compared numbers using the less than, greater than, and equal to signs.  I was really impressed that most of them remembered doing this in 1st grade!!

This week we will be discussing addition strategies.  Also, we will be identifying what happens to a number when we add and subtract 10 and 100.  We will be using calculators to discover how the numbers change.  The students can bring their devices as long as it has a calculator feature/app on it.

Please remember that Wednesday is an early release day.  Students will be released at 12:30.  Let me know if there is any changes in transportation for your child.

Have a great evening!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Is Fall here really????

Great week!!  We only request more hours in the day.  We are still working on place value in math.  We created numbers up to 1,200 this week.  I told the kids a silly story about the Thousands and Ones families living in the same neighborhood.  Hopefully, it will stick with them and they will be able to apply it going forward.  On my class website is a link to a website where students can go to practice building numbers with virtual base ten blocks.  This will really help!

We also looked at open number number lines.  These are empty number lines and students need to determine where the numbers go.  I found a good online game that they can play.  They also have an app.  The website is: .
Next week we will begin comparing and ordering numbers.  So practicing with the number lines will help them with identifying which number is greater and less than.

I sent home a paper in red folders yesterday with directions to log onto Xtramath.  This is an online computer program that provides practice with math facts.  My goal for all students in my class to quickly recall addition and subtraction facts up to 20 by the end of the year.  I would like for all students to practice at least 3 times a week.  It only takes about 10 minutes to complete.  Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with the logging on.

I will be sending home a few pages of math homework on Monday.  These will be reinforcement and extra practice with the concepts that we are learning in class.  I am perfectly okay with parents helping.  I will collect these on Friday from all students.  Anyone that does not have complete homework will receive a mark on their folder and a deduction of 7 points from their citizenship grade.

Also, we will be using technology in math this week.  Students will be using the internet to play a few place value and number line games on Monday and Tuesday.  On Wednesday and Thursday, students will be scanning QR codes.  They will need to have a QR reader app already installed on their device.  Please remember that I have 7 classroom iPads, so please do not feel as if you have to go out and purchase a device for your child.

I also wanted to thank all of the parents that came out to Parent Curriculum night.  It was great to see all of you again and I hope that you found the information helpful and beneficial.  If you were not able to make it, our notes are on my class website.

The Morris Brothers ( came to our school on Friday morning to perform and discuss bully prevention.  A big thanks to our Cox PTA for providing the kids this opportunity.  These guys have a hilarious way of presenting great information.

This is a link to one of their videos.  Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!!  Enjoy the cool weather!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week 2 flew by, but what a great week!

This week was so much fun!  The kiddos are finally sticking their cute little heads out of their shells and showing their personalities. I love getting to see who they really are.  I guess that I showed who I really could be (Ms. Viola Swamp)  wink wink!  I hope that the "substitute" experience leaves a lasting memory for them, in a positive way.  I still have great memories of my first grade year, where the "Birthday Ghost" read a poem to each student on their birthday over the intercom.  Mrs. Westfall, my first grade teacher, is STILL my favorite teacher some 35 years later.

We did get into math this week with a focus on place value.  Students used math tools to build numbers up to 999.  The kids wrote numbers using standard, expanded, and word forms.  Please give your student a three-digit number and see if they are able to write it three ways.  (insert crossed fingers)  Students can go to the following website to use virtual math tools to build numbers.

Monday, September 8th, is the Grandparents breakfast from 7-7:30.  Tickets are $2 and can be purchased at the door.

Thursday night, September 11th, will be a PTA meeting and Parent Curriculum night.  The PTA meeting will be from 7:00-7:15.  Then we will have two break-out sessions where will cover our classroom expectations and procedures.  The break out sessions allow parents the ability to hear the presentations from multiple teachers.  If you have more than two teachers that you need to hear from, each teacher will have handouts that you could pick up.  Child care will be provided in the music room for any children that are potty trained.  I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night.

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

As you may have heard....there were a few subs in the building today.

We read "Miss. Nelson is Missing" and discussed Respect and Responsibility!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Already hard at work!!

Week 1 in the books!!

We had a great first week of school!  I know that I am exhausted and I am sure that they are too. I am so thankful for a long weekend.  I have a few things that I needed to share with you.

  • Our students are traveling to three different classes everyday and seem to be struggling carrying all of their things.  We were going to suggest purchasing a reusable grocery bag that students can put their stuff in.  I think that most grocery stores sell them pretty cheap.
  • I also wanted to remind you that students are required to be in the classroom at 7:30 in the morning or they are tardy.  Students who are marked tardy will lose points on their citizenship grade.  I will begin my lesson promptly at 7:30.
  • I am a Speed 21 teacher.  This means that I will be integrating technology into the district curriculum.  This also means that I have iPads in my classroom for student use.  We will begin using them next week.  In order to ensure proper usage, I have an iPad Acceptable Use Policy paper that will need to be signed.  These papers will be going home on Tuesday in the red take home folder.  Please review this paper with your student, then sign and return it.  Even though we have class iPads, we don't have enough for every student.  Therefore, if your student has a device they can bring it to class, please allow them to do so.  Please don't feel obligated to send a device if you do not have one currently.  We will make sure that all students will get the opportunity to use the technology.
  • Next Wednesday, all students in Wylie ISD will be learning about respect and responsibility.  The 2nd Grade teachers will be reading the book Miss. Nelson is Missing by James Marshall.  This book shows great examples of respectful and responsible students as well as those that aren't.  We will all be dressing up as Viola Swamp, the dreaded substitute.  Please let me know if you think that this will scare your child.  We play the "role" while having fun with the kids. But shhhh...we are not going to tell the kids that they will have "substitutes" on this day.  
  • ICE CREAM in the cafeteria!!!  I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!  As I am sure that you have heard, the cafeteria is now offering ice cream for $0.85 (I believe).  Students will be required to eat their purchased food or brought lunch before purchasing the ice cream.  The ice cream will need to be purchased through the students lunch account.  We discourage students from bringing cash.  We don't want some one's "ice cream" money to come up missing.
I have uploaded some pictures to our class blog.  Feel free to check this blog weekly, as this is where I will be posting my newsletters, important information, and pictures of your precious children.  Please let me know if you are able to access the blog.  

Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to teach your child math!  It is going to be a great school year!!
Mrs. Halligan

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day in the books!

We had a fantastic day!!!  I am really looking forward to a great year with your kids. I can't wait to see all of their faces bright and early in the morning!  Have a great evening!