Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week 2 flew by, but what a great week!

This week was so much fun!  The kiddos are finally sticking their cute little heads out of their shells and showing their personalities. I love getting to see who they really are.  I guess that I showed who I really could be (Ms. Viola Swamp)  wink wink!  I hope that the "substitute" experience leaves a lasting memory for them, in a positive way.  I still have great memories of my first grade year, where the "Birthday Ghost" read a poem to each student on their birthday over the intercom.  Mrs. Westfall, my first grade teacher, is STILL my favorite teacher some 35 years later.

We did get into math this week with a focus on place value.  Students used math tools to build numbers up to 999.  The kids wrote numbers using standard, expanded, and word forms.  Please give your student a three-digit number and see if they are able to write it three ways.  (insert crossed fingers)  Students can go to the following website to use virtual math tools to build numbers.

Monday, September 8th, is the Grandparents breakfast from 7-7:30.  Tickets are $2 and can be purchased at the door.

Thursday night, September 11th, will be a PTA meeting and Parent Curriculum night.  The PTA meeting will be from 7:00-7:15.  Then we will have two break-out sessions where will cover our classroom expectations and procedures.  The break out sessions allow parents the ability to hear the presentations from multiple teachers.  If you have more than two teachers that you need to hear from, each teacher will have handouts that you could pick up.  Child care will be provided in the music room for any children that are potty trained.  I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night.

Have a great weekend!!

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